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Posts published in “Day: October 8, 2019

The Fastest Way to Pass a Drug Screening with Detoxification Drinks

Michael 0

Since people all around us are smoking cannabis, employers are highly concerned about productivity and safety on workplace, which is why they pass drug-free policies and test applicant and employees along the way.

The main problem with weed, which is not the case with other, more problematic drugs, is the idea that you will need plenty of time to cleanse yourself naturally. Even if you have smoked a single joint, you will need at least a week to pass a test.

That is the main reason why people choose to use detoxification drinks that will allow them to mask the presence of THC metabolites so that you can pas the test with ease. 

Therefore, if you have never used detox drinks, and you wonder how they act and which one is the best, you should stay with us and read the entire article.

You should visit this site:, to learn more about it. 

What Should You Expect From Detox Drinks?

The first thing you should remember is that this will not cleanse your body, as you would think at first. The process includes flushing out the toxins out of your bladder, so that you can clear urine for a few hours afterward.

However, if you decide to use other liquids instead, your urine will become diluted and colorless, which will be transparent to laboratories and certified personnel. 

Most of them come with nutrients, minerals and compounds such as creatine that will bring color to diluted urine, and improve its chemical properties so that it can appear as natural one.

The idea is that when you consume it, you will have a small window of opportunity, which is approximately five hours afterward, and during that time, your sample will be cleansed from any substances that will make you fail the test.

On the other hand, if you are a frequent smoker, the detox drinks will last up to two hours, which is why you should drink it before the test. Therefore, we can easily say that detoxification drinks are perfect cleansing remedies if you are a light smoker.

However, if you have heavy toxin exposure, you will have less chances of passing which is something you have to remember. At the same time, you should have in mind that detox drinks work mostly for weed, but you will have only a few hours to submit a clear sample.

What Is The Easiest Way To Pass A Drug Screening?

If you do not have plenty of time to do it naturally, you can choose two options that will provide you the same levels of success: you can either find a detox drink or use synthetic urine instead. 

The main disadvantage of synthetic pee is the challenge that comes with smuggling it inside, which means that detox drink is another consideration that will not make you stress out along the way.

At the same time, if you have only a few hours notice, you can use detox drink. The percentage of …